Warm and Fuzzy

Iraville on deviantartYou know when you don’t feel good you search out the warm and fuzzy? Hot cups of tea, curling up under blankets, even the warm and fuzzy feeling of Nyquil qualifies for this list. When you don’t feel good, you try and surround yourself with things that aid in the recuperation process. Sometimes something that is good for your soul is just as restorative to your body as a hot shower or a bowl of soup. Fortunately, we live in a world that contains the internet. Although there are a lot of terrible things on the internet, here are the warm/fuzzy/adorable/cool things that I have been surrounding myself with the past days like a worn-in hoodie.

Twenty Two Words dot Com

Click on this picture. This picture will take you to a series of some of the cutest pictures you’ve ever seen since Coralie last published her Henry updates on Facebook. A boy. A puppy. Naptime. Oh lord. This rates an 11 on a scale of 1-10 on the warm and fuzzy meter.


Although this may only rate a 6 on the warm and fuzzy meter, this is still one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while. Bob Dylan has released the first official music video for his classic hit, “Like a Rolling Stone…” and it is amazing. Make sure to click on all of the different channels (I like the Pawn Stars and Bachelor Rose ones) to get a feel for the awesomeness that is this video. I had to watch it twice to make sure I got all the channels. Not sure what I’m talking about? Click HERE! It may take a second to load, but it is totally worth it.

Get ready for this. Puppies learning how to howl:


Do you know what else makes me feel good? Girl power! And not just in the Spice Girls kind of way. I love the Beastie Boys, I love Rube Goldberg devices, and I love girls being empowered! This video has all three.

I have a job on Friday, so hopefully I’ll be back on my feet by then. After writing about these things I am already on the mend! Hopefully, even if you aren’t sick, these things will brighten your day. If not, then I have one… last… thing…


Eh? Did that work? Regardless, catch you on the flip-side of this cold! To the Ny-Quil!

At her finest





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