Dear Reader, thank you for your patience from Monday. A full 48 hours after the onset of what I will call felt like getting hit by a Mack truck, I felt like a human again. It is amazing how awesome feeling normal feels after you have been sick. I am feeling proud to feel normal again! I will say this too about Monday’s scheduled post (scheduled as in on the calendar I keep of upcoming posts) that it now has a footnote that I will explain when it turns up in rotation- so, like, next week, maybe.
I have been looking forward to doing this throwback for a month and that is why I decided to keep on keeping on with it. Rather than limit myself with this throw back certain chapters of my life, I just let the memory in the photo move me. No more dilly dallying- let’s get on with this throw back!Look at this one! That is my Moma holding me with my grandmother circa late 1979 or early 1980- a bevy of Grannies! Well, no memory of this day but a great photo regardless.
Look at these babies in this photo! This was taken the summer of 1995. We were somewhere in Europe. I think, France because we couldn’t read the menu and the server couldn’t speak English. From left to right, Connor Martin, Claire McKinley Drummond, yours truly, Jessica Sawyer Rigby (my cousin), Laura Frye and Daniel Van Fleet. What is on that plate was labeled a pancake except it had savory toppings on it… um, to my 15 year old
brain palette, I could not go there. My adventurous palette did not fully manifest for another 10 years or so. I believe the rest of the story to this savory pancake was that since it was a bust, we would just eat ice cream.
This is my ladies and me tearing the War Eagle Super Club up! If you are ever in Auburn, Alabama- you need to add a visit to your itinerary. It’s kinda an institution in Auburn. I have lots of great memories there. Janet Peters, Elizabeth Woodall Shannon and Bridgette Peters can tell you about a few stories about how we used to tear the Club up!
This photo. I almost got whiplash getting thrown back! This was at a house party at our boss slash restaurant owner’s house. L-R: Kim Reeder aka Weezah, Claire Brown, Janell McNally, Mendi Simmons and for the life of me, I can’t remember the girl on the far right! And I should! It’s moments like this that make me think I am getting old!
This is a New Years Eve in Atlanta going to see Widespread Panic- Brooke Butler, TJ Payne and myself. Yes, they were totally dressed up and my costume consisted of holding a spinning light wand- innovative for sure.
This is one of my dearest friends from the Auburn era of my life, Dana Smildsin Grimes. This photo is very, very reflective of our relationship- just fun and good.
I hope you have enjoyed this installment of Throwback Thursday. It is always fun going back through old photos and strolling down memory lane. It makes me very appreciative of the fact that I have kept a camera handy for over 20 years.
When was the last time you went through your old photos? When was the last time you went through the photos on your phone? I totally encourage you to take more pictures. They really are awesome to have.