Re-Use That Thing: Self Watering* Plants

If you read this blog with even the loosest regularity, you’ll know two of several things about me. One, that I LOVE to re-use items– like almost to an obsessive point. You will also know that I have a complicated relationship with plants. Today’s… Continue Reading

Blogaversary Week: The Faves!

Can you hear that? What?! You don’t hear the trumpets?! You can’t see the confetti?! Well, let me tell you… it’s a veritable Carnivale over here at FTTDWYW. Cause, you know what? This week is our one-year blogaversary! Fun Things To Do… Continue Reading


The word “hummingbird” takes me immediately to my grandmother’s kitchen in the summertime. I spent a lot of time with my Georgia grandparents growing up. And I love the memory I have of stirring the sugar and water together in a pot over the… Continue Reading

Clam Shell Succulent Bowl: I Love It When a Clam Comes Together

A Succulent Fairy Garden in a ceramic clam shell.

I’m in this weird place right now where things are coming together. Projects that have languished (some for years) are being completed. Lots of things are getting checked off my to-do list, and wheels are in motion on a lot… Continue Reading

When Life Hands You Lemons… Literally.

Can you imagine a world where avocados just grew on trees? Where you could walk out to your yard and pick a lemon for your Aviator cocktail. Or, grab a lime to squeeze over your watermelon. It’s a shame places… Continue Reading