Wardrobe Maintenance: Hanger Strap Lifehack

hanger strap disappearing act

I love clothing pieces that come with sewn-in hanger straps. It’s a small pleasure, but it makes life easier. Ain’t nobody got time for finding bunched-up clean clothes that have fallen on the closet floor off their hanger.  Although we already know… Continue Reading

Re-Use That Thing: Self Watering* Plants

If you read this blog with even the loosest regularity, you’ll know two of several things about me. One, that I LOVE to re-use items– like almost to an obsessive point. You will also know that I have a complicated relationship with plants. Today’s… Continue Reading

Shoo, Fruit Fly! Don’t Bother Me: A Pinterest Experiment

Hope you like bug carcasses… cause today’s post has got ’em! Apologies in advance. Do you know what is amazing? Fruit. I know that’s kind of a ‘duh’ sentiment, but think about the myriad of varietals out there. As someone… Continue Reading

Summer PSA: A Flip-Flop Reminder… Again!

As I was walking to get coffee this morning, I noticed a subtle, yet growing pain in my heel. I, then, noted the super-cute (yet, super-cheap) flip-flops I was wearing. D’oh. If you may recall, I wrote a post last summer about the desultory… Continue Reading

Re-Use That Thing: DIY Hanger Snack Clips- A Pinterest Experiment!

Summertime is here and summertime means swimsuit season. Last summer saw my two favorite swimsuits dissolve into a heap of old elastic and chlorine after several years of ownership. Since one cannot have just one swimsuit, it was determined that… Continue Reading

A Craft Room of One’s Own: A Dedicated Crafting Space

It has been a dream of mine for years to have my own dedicated crafting space. Up until this point, my crafting has been done on various available surfaces only to be stowed away haphazardly if company was coming over.… Continue Reading