Monday Foto Funday: Holidaze Uh-Dish

Who's Left? Uh... Guess Who.

I don’t know about you guys, but I was ready for 2015 to be done-zo. I delight in the potential of a fresh year and am positively atwitter at the thought of what 2016 holds. Since I’m still mulling on… Continue Reading

Six (Actual) Helpful Holiday Hints

Using Old Christmas Cards to Decorate Presents Next Year

Aye yi yi. Everywhere I look lately (Pinterest, Facebook, my ladies mag subscriptions) there are a million listicles purporting essential holiday lifehacks. I’ve taken the clickbait and read many of these compilations (for you, dear reader– such sacrifice!) with an eye to… Continue Reading

Wardrobe Maintenance: Hanger Strap Lifehack

hanger strap disappearing act

I love clothing pieces that come with sewn-in hanger straps. It’s a small pleasure, but it makes life easier. Ain’t nobody got time for finding bunched-up clean clothes that have fallen on the closet floor off their hanger.  Although we already know… Continue Reading

Re-Use That Thing: Self Watering* Plants

If you read this blog with even the loosest regularity, you’ll know two of several things about me. One, that I LOVE to re-use items– like almost to an obsessive point. You will also know that I have a complicated relationship with plants. Today’s… Continue Reading

Baby Tomato Lifehack: A SupaFresh Salad for Ya

Do you ever get on a flavor kick? Where a certain flavor haunts your taste buds all day? I’ve been on a HUGE vinegar kick lately. When your body craves something, it is often because there is a nutrient deficiency. A cursory internet… Continue Reading

Hot-Gluing Your Hangers: A Double Pinterest Experiment!

hot glue hanger

If you are on Pinterest, then you’ve probably seen the pin about using shower/binder rings on a hanger to organize your scarves. As a big scarf wearer, I am always on the lookout for better ways to organize the collection.  As I already had a hanger and binder… Continue Reading