If you are on Pinterest, then you’ve probably seen the pin about using shower/binder rings on a hanger to organize your scarves. As a big scarf wearer, I am always on the lookout for better ways to organize the collection. As I already had a hanger and binder rings from a long ago office project, trying this project was a no brainer. It took three minutes to clip the rings on the hanger and thread my scarves. As I hung the hanger on a hook behind my bedroom door, I loved how organized and beautiful my collection looked. What a success! And it was… until… well, …anything happened. If the weight altered too strongly to one end or the other, or you took a larger scarf off, all of the scarves swooshed to one side. Then, I would have to right it and evenly distribute my scarves again… or just leave it tilted with all the scarves lumped together. Which is what happened for about a month.
That is, until I read ultimatediy.tumblr.com‘s post about applying hot glue to your hangers to create your own non-slip shoulder hangers. Again, hat tip to Pinterest. I was a little skeptical about the hot glue trick, my thinking being that the hot glue, once applied, would easily peel off, leaving hot glue pieces around the house. But, after finding that that was NOT the case, I figured I would combine both pins! Turns out hot glue is the answer to both problems!
Glue Gun Safety! That’s funny!
You’re funny!
Dude, we need to refinish your coffeetable before you take any more blog pictures on it. It won’t take long to do just the top, let me know if I should bring over my sanding paper and cherry wood stain. Or, maybe you should try the magical refinishing stuff Coralie was talking about! There’s another cross-posting right there. Oh, I’m a treasure.
Hi Leigh, So I got a BBB catalogue today and was thinking I should go down there and buy a scarf holder as mine are also slipping down to the end of the hanger. But I think I will try this instead. Also like making them non-slip – my stuff is always ending up on the floor.
Great blog. Luv and best of luck on your new endeavor.
Assuming you have a glue gun, this is definetely a cheaper option. I, actually, also own the BBB scarf divider hanger thing… and its pretty great, too… but the holes for dividing your scarves are pretty small, so it never worked for my bigger items. It’s prettier looking, though… Let me know how it works out!