Fun Things to Do: October 2016
You didn’t think we were gone for good did you? You knew it wasn’t going to be that easy. Fall has seen us both bucklin’ down in different ways and (like always) as we evolve, so does the blog. Thank… Continue Reading
You didn’t think we were gone for good did you? You knew it wasn’t going to be that easy. Fall has seen us both bucklin’ down in different ways and (like always) as we evolve, so does the blog. Thank… Continue Reading
I don’t know about you guys, but I was ready for 2015 to be done-zo. I delight in the potential of a fresh year and am positively atwitter at the thought of what 2016 holds. Since I’m still mulling on… Continue Reading
Since my last book review post, I have returned from my self-inflicted martyrdom of exclusively reading free, literary classics. The older I get, the easier I find it to stop reading or watching something I am not enjoying. I am no longer an, “I… Continue Reading
With as avid a reader as I am (and I know Coralie is too), I am surprised that book reviews don’t get a lot of play on the website. Which is why, going back and polishing/editing my book review posts… Continue Reading
Y’all. I love people watching. I love watching people interact with not only other people but their environment. And- as a bartender I have an excellent job to people watch. Without a doubt, alcohol lowers inhibition so from my position… Continue Reading
Lord, Have Mercy! When I set out in January with my 75 goals for the year I just could not understand why people would look at me funny when I started listing them… and listing them. However, I am really glad… Continue Reading
I totally feel like a broken record- whiney pants. I really do not like this feeling- and I am quickly approaching my limits. Keeping up with this blog without a fully functioning computer is challenging. There are only so many… Continue Reading
I am a reader. Always have been. I devour the written word. I can’t remember a time when reading wasn’t a thing for me. This flame has been fanned by several key family members and a love of reading is… Continue Reading
It has been a dream of mine for years to have my own dedicated crafting space. Up until this point, my crafting has been done on various available surfaces only to be stowed away haphazardly if company was coming over.… Continue Reading
Can you hear that? What?! You don’t hear the trumpets?! You can’t see the confetti?! Well, let me tell you… it’s a veritable Carnivale over here at FTTDWYW. Cause, you know what? This week is our one-year blogaversary! Fun Things To Do… Continue Reading
I have been pushing these books for the last month! Anybody that gave me the time of day, I was chatting up about these two books. They have made a permanent mark on my way of thinking and looking not… Continue Reading
I have fallen head over heels in love with personalized digital photo books! I mean for reals! It began as a crush at the end of 2012 but by the end of 2013 it was full-on love. As I have… Continue Reading
I always love to hear what other people are listening to, watching, or reading. I love it because it exposes me to new things and tells me a little bit about them and their habits. It is Fall, which means… Continue Reading
Faithful Reader, I have once again been experiencing technical difficulties. Bub and I were in Dallas for four days over this past weekend. While there, our laptop went on the fritz. We thought it was dead and had even begun… Continue Reading
Rime is a wild mage. She can bend the very fabric of reality, but at a cost – a cost to her health and her sanity. Her power is unstoppable but it leaves her empty, weak, and often unconscious. Jonas… Continue Reading
This past Christmas, I received a Kindle Fire tablet/e-book reader. Which means any excuse I had to NOT read ‘the Classics’ has been obliterated. They are there. For free. And surely they are classics for a reason, right? Totally worth my time? I decided to go… Continue Reading