The Best Easter: Menus, Recipes, and Decorating/Egg Dying Tips

How to have The Best Easter: Menus, Recipes, and Decorating/Egg Dying ideas

It is hard to believe that it is already time for Peter Cottontail to make an appearance. We both come from families where Easter was/is kind of a big deal, as such, we’ve compiled our favorite hints, recipes, and menu ideas to… Continue Reading

Pinterest- What a Wonderful Way to Spend… Hours upon Hours of Your Life!

I think it is very safe to say that both Leigh & I are big fans of Pinterest. I mean, we have an entire section of this blog devoted to projects and recipes inspired by what we have found on… Continue Reading

Blogaversary Week: The Faves!

Can you hear that? What?! You don’t hear the trumpets?! You can’t see the confetti?! Well, let me tell you… it’s a veritable Carnivale over here at FTTDWYW. Cause, you know what? This week is our one-year blogaversary! Fun Things To Do… Continue Reading

November 1… Less than 2 Months to Christmas- Here Goes Nothing.

[spotify track=””] Goodness Gracious. This has been a very fast week! Even though my pity party post published Monday, it was written Sunday, so actually the pity party was over when I woke up Monday morning. Monday was a pretty good day- And… Continue Reading

Halloween Party Treats

Y’all. Baby Bub will be a year old tomorrow! Oh my goodness- time flies! I mean, flies! This was just the first year! As he gets older he won’t grow and develop as fast as he has this first year… Continue Reading