Curly Hair Essentials: The Best Ways to Put Some Twirl Into Your Curl!

This post goes out to my fellow curly-haired fam, anyone lucky enough to style someone else’s curly hair, or anyone who is interested. I love my hair. That wasn’t always the case. When I hit puberty, my hair (along with everything else, I guess) changed.… Continue Reading

It’s Time to Do Better

Reagen Lozar Family

I’ve known today’s guest poster, the most-lovely Reagen Lowrey Lozar, for as long as I’ve known Coralie– as we all met at the same high school in the long-ago world of the late 1990’s. Among many other things, Reagen and I share an interest in… Continue Reading

Life After Birchbox: Tips and a Curio Cabinet

birchbox tips and a curio cabinet

Remember when I did Birchbox product reviews? Yeah. Although a good subject idea, our modified posting schedule and life’s craziness got in the way of that venture. Plus, there are many out there who do it better than I, so I… Continue Reading

A Guest Post! By: Carina– For Active Girls or Anyone Considering Ditching the ‘Poo

Guest Post Graphics

  Dear Readers, My sweet and clever friend Carina wrote this interesting essay about ditching the traditional shampoo/conditioner method of hair washing on a cool fitness blog she is running. I knew immediately after reading it that it was something I wanted to share… Continue Reading