Coralie’s Goal Check-Up. Take Two.

It absolutely blows my mind that the first 4 months of 2014 are in the books! That is just crazy talk! These months have just flown by so fast. Seriously. And. If I am being honest, as I like to be, summer has taken me by surprise! I mean- for the Southern coast of Alabama, we had a long, cold winter!

So, here we are almost to the middle of May and, I sat down to reassess the goals I set for myself for the year. I am really glad that not only did I set these goals in pursuit of wholehearted living but also that I committed to checking in every other month to keep myself on task.

I’ll start at the top and work my way to the end. First, I wanted to drink more water– well, I was doing real well with this- I had worked my way up to 2-3 thirty-two ounce glasses of water. But— well, my cups have dried up!


Number Two: Exercise 3-4 times a week. And I have to say, for the first month of these last two, I stayed true to the game- but for the last month or so— I have not done much of any exercise. That train left the station without me!


Number Three: Meal Plan. Well- I’ve been at that half-assedly. And, worse- I’ve let meat spoil in the fridge- more than once. Seriously. Sucks.


Number Four: Read 2 Books a Month. Uh, not so much- I read The Noticer & The Noticer Returns. Unfortunately, I have my Pinterest addiction to blame for not reading every night.

Number Five: Pin 3 Star Gold. I haven’t had much movement in that direction in the last 2 months.

Number Six: Increase Habitual Readership of FTTDWYW. well, I think we have lots of readers- I think some readers sporadically check in- and catch up rather than visit daily. And I think our traffic is directly related

Number Seven: Plan Posts & Plot them on the Calendar. By far, I have been the most diligent with this one- but, the whole broken laptop has thrown me for a loop.

Number Eight: Find and Join a Facebook blogging group. No movement on this at all.

Number Nine: $1000 by the end of the year in Baby Bub’s saving account. Here’s the deal- the cash flow in this household is increasing weekly as this town gears up for the summer- this will happen.

Number Ten: Support Local Charities: We did donate to a local school’s booster club.

Number ‘Lem: Find New Music. We found Anders Osbourne at Jazz Fest & I like him- Southern Rock. He’s kind of a cross between… I am not exactly sure- but, I like him & the album I bought.

So, it is very clear that I have got to regroup and get back on task. Because I have derailed so completely, I am glad I committed to checking in every two months because the accountability is what I needed to help me stay on track with these goals.


How are coming with your New Year’s resolutions? Are you still hanging tight or have you fallen off task like me? Let me know.

All the Best,

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