Goals Check-up: September Edition

Faithful Reader, did you think I was trying to sweep my New Year’s resolutions under the carpet never to check in again much less attend to them in my personal life? Well, when my computer went off the deep end, I just struggled to get posts up, much less posts that I believe require such attention to detail like these updates.

So. Here I am stepping back into the arena and updating my progress on my New Year’s resolutions. In an effort to be completely transparent,  for most of them I have fallen off the wagon and not only fallen off the wagon but set up shop on the roadside and waved goodbye while the wagon train went on without me. But. You know what happens when you fall off the wagon, you just have to get back on and do the best that you can.

I started the year with 11 resolutions. It is the beginning of September and here is where I stand and what I intend to do from here.

1. Drink More Water… yeah, I have not drank nearly enough water. I drink hella amounts of decaf tea and rehydrate- AdvoCare’s better version of Gatorade. I’m drinking a glass of water right now. Cheers to getting back on the wagon!

2. Exercise 3-4 times a week- I didn’t do any of that this summer. However, I got out the level 2 Can You 24 workout video week before last and have been trying to get that done 3 times a week. It is no joke! It is amazing how good I feel about myself when I exercise! Exercise is not something like I just enjoy doing- I like to ride bikes and I like to dance and I don’t mind walking when it’s not so hot you can cook eggs on the pavement- but, that pretty much wraps up the exercising I like to do. All the other, is a chore to me. But, I am resolved to get back on the train and get on with program.


3. Meal Planning- yeah, that went out the window! I knew in January that I would especially struggle with this one this summer. I didn’t really struggle with it because I didn’t really even bother with it! I will say that even though I didn’t do any meal planning, we still managed to eat out less and eat at home more than past summers in recent history. So, that is a win in and of itself!

contagious4. Read 2 books a month- well, I’ve def been reading one book a month due to my AdvoCare book club, but just haven’t made the time to read the second. This summer in this book club we have covered a lot of Andy Andrews ground. If you have not read any of his books, I totally recommend you pick one up. I have had the opportunity to hear him speak on 3 occasions and he is a dynamic speaker. We just finished reading Contagious by Jonah Berger. It was a really interesting look at why ideas, videos, etc. go viral.

5. Pin 3 Star Gold- it is a leadership level in AdvoCare.  We are always looking for people to help with their wellness, fitness and finances. The more people we help, the closer we get to advancing our leadership level with AdvoCare.

6. Increase Habitual Readership- well, you know, who knows if we have increased our Habitual readership. Leigh and I were talking recently and she said that while she was in her hometown, a handful of people, some of them complete strangers, told her they read our blog. And, according to Google Analytics only 2 people there read it…  so… who knows? We haven’t seen a significant jump or fall in registered hits on our blog. We are just gonna keep on keepin’ on.

7. Plan posts and plot on calendar-this one, I have done the best with! I find it so much easier to have posts planned out so that I do not flounder. For instance, you can expect to hear about my adventures in making pepper jelly, our new day care chapter and my attempt at a tshirt mod- among other stuff.

8. Join a Facebook blogging group-absolutely zero traction. None. Nada. Bueller? Anyone?

9. $1000 in Henry’s saving account- well, it has not gone nearly as well as I would have hoped. The year is not over and we still have his birthday and Christmas- so, hopefully, we will be able to get some more in there.

10. Support local charities- just fell off the wagon and should be shot for not sticking with one especially! But, here’s to brushing myself off and getting back on the wagon.

11. New Music. Y’all. I have been so totally and completely wrapped up in Sturgill Simpson, that I have not listened to much of anything else. However, Kings of Leon has a new album and I am interested to hear that.

So, I am packing up the roadside shop I set up over the summer and am crawling back on the wagon- Did you make any resolutions? Are you still sticking with them or have they been left by the way side? It is not too late to dust them off and finish this year with gusto!



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