About a year ago, I purchased an item from an online vendor that I’d never used. It happens. Often. But, for whatever reason, my one purchase put me on a list of relentless mailing. And not just from the original vendor. I get (on average) three catalogs (from the same vendor) a week. Not including the onslaught of catalogs from OTHER vendors that think I might be a potential customer. Coldwater Creek… Soft Surroundings… Sure! I can at least play the age old game of “you must pick one thing from each page” game with these. But then there are these other rando catalogs. Catalogs for a more, let’s say, mature woman. I’m not denigrating our older readers, but I think even this stuff would be considered staid by them. It has reached the point of ridiculousness and is now a joke between Josh and me. Every trip to our mailbox results in anywhere between 2-6 catalogs. I love catalogs. But this is ridiculous.
I’m also guilty of having a junky email box. If I don’t (daily) delete the swathes of junk emails, then quickly my inbox looks like this (see above pic). Why, yes. I do have 1,465 emails to go through. Of which, maybe two are real. I even created separate emails accounts just for solicitations, but those got junky fast and defeated the purpose of streamlining things. There’s got to be a better way.
Which is why when an amazing article from Apartment Therapy (one of my favorite sites) came through my feed, I knew I wanted to share it with y’all. Immediately.
How to Eliminate Junk Mail (and Email) Once and For All from Apartment Therapy by Brittney Morgan.
Click it. Make sure to check the comment section where the crowdsourcing rounds out the techniques. I mean, even a modicum of help in this area makes me wanna shout, “hip-hop hooray!”
Do you have any secrets to getting out of extraneous catalogs? What is the most ridiculous catalog you’ve received. As always, let me know! And trust that when I find the ‘Ways to Stop Robo-Calls’ article, you’ll be the first to know.
Love this site
So informational and well thought out
Congrats on 4th year Anniversary
Thank you amazing, anonymous person who most definitely is NOT my Mom. 😉