Creature Comforts

Now that things are making their way out of boxes and back into our lives, I am in awe of two things. The first is the amount of things that I had completely forgotten about… the things that when they are out of sight are definitely out of mind. These are the things that probably could have stayed in a box (or donated to the thrift store) and I never would have noticed. As Coralie has noted, there is so much clutter in our lives. There are some that say that the state of our home and it’s organization is indicative of our brain and how it functions. Lord help me if that is the case. The other thing that has amazed me during this process are the other things that (although small) I proactively missed when they were packed away in storage in Illinois. I try and live my life with the attitude that stuff isn’t that important. It isn’t family, love, or friendship. Stuff isn’t health or safety… but, after living out of a suitcase like a hobo for two and a half months, let me tell you, there are definitely some things that make life easier for which I have a new-found appreciation. Below are the three things that sent me diving immediately into boxes upon the movers exit.

Josh and I had to buy a bunch of duplicate items when we found out that our belongings wouldn’t be joining us in California for 8-10 weeks. We bought a futon, sheets, towels, four forks/spoons/knives/glasses, a pan, a pot, a cookie sheet, a pair of scissors, and whatever “essentials” we thought we would need in the interim. It was really frustrating to have to buy No Wire Hangersitems that we knew we already had. One of the things I refused to buy was hangers… we got a 12-pack mainly to put Josh’s work clothes on, but I staunchly refused to get any more because I KNEW that I had a TON of hangers in storage. Now that we’re unpacking, I am BASKING in my hanger-ness. I am reveling in the fact that I don’t have to bend over to pick up a shirt from a pile or shake out the wrinkles from a dress that has been folded and living in my suitcase. I know hangers aren’t expensive… and it was probably a stupid thing to take a stand over… but let me tell you about my new found appreciation for the hanger. And, like Joan Crawford, I am very particular about my hangers (among other things…)

Another thing I am basking in is my adorable elephant watering can. As I wrote about earlier, we’ve purchased several plants for the apartment (and their all doing well, thankyaverymuch) and I had been watering them from an old apple juice bottle. This was fine, well, and good… and certainly played into my love for re-using things, but when I pulled out my elephant watering can, the amount of joy it brought me was palpable. The simple act of watering plants becomes a nurturing, positive experience not just for the plants, but for me, as well… and I think the plants can feel that positive energy. Elephant watering can? What am I talking about? Check this adorable guy out and tell me YOU wouldn’t have missed him…


And finally, a lot of people take quick showers. Whether it is first thing in the morning to wake yourself up, or after you’ve worked out… but, I am not that person. For me, taking a shower is an experience; a process. Hot water, schmancy cleansers, shower-radio… I am in the shower for a minimum of 20 minutes. And once OUT of the shower… my toilette takes at least an hour. Granted, if I’m in a hurry, all of this can be cut down drastically- that is not, however, my preferred modus operandi. After a shower, I do a lot of putzing around; tweezing, lotioning, cuticle maintenance, etc… and I do all of this in my super-soft, full-length bathrobe. The bathrobe itself isn’t all that glamorous, its just a super-thick terry number my folks got me for Christmas YEARS ago… but MAN is it comfy. I hate wrapping up in a single, regular-sized towel. Unless it’s a beach towel, chances are there is going to be some indecent exposure. But in my bathrobe, I am wrapped in luxurious Egyptian cotton from head-to-toe. Had I known we were going to be without our stuff for so long, I probably would have packed it in my suitcase… but now I know just how important it is to me.

This whole unpacking experience has made me take stock (literally) of everything in my life- both physically and ethereally… There were things that I found I did just fine without and am actually encumbered by them now that they are back in my life (do we really need 37 coffee mugs?!)… but my hangers, watering can, and bathrobe were surprises. They weren’t things I was anticipating having such a strong response to… but I guess they are indicative of what is important to me right now. The hangers represent order and everything having a place, I suppose- having somewhere to hang my things. The watering can is more of a reminder of taking joy in my daily life- caring and tending for things with a cheerful heart… and the bathrobe, I guess, IS comfort to me… it is feeling warm and secure. And as much as I wish things had gone differently, and we weren’t without our belongings for two and a half months, it has certainly made me grateful for what I do have and the experience has given me an appreciation for just how fortunate I truly am.

What are YOU’RE creature comforts? What can you not do without?



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  1. oh Leigh! I know it is nice to have your stuff back in your physical possession- even if it is just stuff! And it is always surprising what you miss the most when you are separated from your stuff. I am glad y’all got it all back- finally. And your peace lily looks great! It obviously loves its spot!

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