88-Day Challenge: The Finish Line


Aaaand, we’re here… the finish line– the end of the 88-Day Challenge. All told, I’ve dropped 9 pounds. Not the 20 I set out to lose… but better than a stick in the eye, you know? But, with clothes that fit better and longer endurance when I run, I count it as a total win. In my experience, the slow and steady weight-loss seems to be the stuff that sticks.

I will admit that I have been less than diligent over the holidaze. I am embarrassed to say, that even after many bold declarations of resolve, my will was weak and I have only “officially” worked out/gone running *once* since my last post. Though, thanks to my Jawbone, I know that I got in quite a bit of walking during the holiday shopping frenzy. There wasn’t as much eggnog or holiday treats as there normally is… but there were moments that weren’t the most awesome. As I sat on the couch watching Dodgeball the day after Christmas, eating the Snickers squares that were in my stocking, I was grateful that my little brother turned to me and said, “Hey… you wanna work out?” As I had gotten a new pair of sneakers for Crimmus I was thankful for the chance to try them out. Also, I was lucky (?) enough to get a stomach bug that kicked in that evening so that also helped (?) with the final weigh-in. *Note* A stomach bug is obviously not recommended… ever. Ugh… still recovering.

So, how did the experiment go? Well, I think. Something that has really stuck with me, especially with the New Year looming, is that setting goals works better when done in manageable chunks. Although time flies by, a YEAR seems like… WHOA– large and insurmountable. Some people have the temperament to tackle a year with no problem… those same people generally don’t need to really set goals as they tend to have the discipline to do anything. Setting shorter goals within long-term goals, for me, is the way to go. As the resolution season approaches, it is cool to know that about myself. It makes me excited to tackle all sorts of new goals in 2014.

Additionally, I think that sharing my experience has made a difference. Not only has it made me more accountable, and let me know how much love and support is out there, but by “journaling” my thoughts, patterns and emotions came to the surface… and, as G.I. Joe said, “knowing is half the battle.” I’ve also learned that when you need help, you have to ask for it… and even then, sometimes you have to depend upon yourself.

For those of you following along at home, keep it up! I yam! Although the official challenge is over… is it really? Ever? I’m going to stay on the workout train and keep focusing on my issues with food. 2013 has seen a lot of big life changes for me. Like every year, I have learned a lot… about myself and about the world around me. I am so excited about the next chapter: 2014. So, let’s get at it, y’all! Whatever your “IT” is, do it with enthusiasm, joy, appreciation, and thought. Goals are hard… if they weren’t then there would be no need to set them. But, you are so worth the effort. Remember that. Always strive to be the best you. Again, I write this to remind myself of this as much as I write this to encourage you. There is no one else in the world like you. You owe it to yourself and the world around you to maximize your individuality. Identify areas you want to work out and break it down into manageable chunks. Who knows what you can accomplish?!

So, thank you world… for indulging this little experiment. I am so excited for all the new adventures I am sure 2014 holds!




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