Nine Year Blogaversary

Blogaversary may be a made-up word, but the sentiment is still valid. Everybody’s doing their own thing these days, but the blog and its back catalog continue to be available. There isn’t an article that doesn’t have at least 2,500 hits/views. Are some of them bots? For sure. But not all of them. We find our photos and articles cited all over the internet- some properly, even. We love knowing that 42,674 people have read about Coralie’s Mr. Bayleys West Indies Summer Crab Salad. Or that 46,413 people have researched removing paint from plastic containers (don’t do it). But we’re over the moon that our friend-of-the-blog Sheila and her guest post on knitting Homemade Dish Clothes has been seen by 87,659 people. Firework emojis forever.

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  1. We’ll you girls have really stepped up your game with this periodical…great visual presentation
    and content

    I loved the Puzzling and Polishing articles so much I have started my own weekend projects
    and expect to break for lunch to enjoy my new crab salad recipe.

    Keep up the good work
    I’m having lots of fun while I’m waiting

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