Homemade Shaving Cream- Revisited

Wrapping up our first week of revisitations, you like that new word?, I thought I would go back to my homemade shaving cream post. I have made shaving cream twice since my original post. The first time, I just followed the recipe- easy peasy. However, I put it in an old conditioner bottle with a pump. Yes, it made life in the shower that much better and it also cut down on the amount of shaving cream that I wasted. I was really able to stretch it and that is one less plastic bottle headed for a landfill.

Then the next time rolled around and I have since become a fan of coconut oil and all its wonders- particularly when it comes to skin care. So, I added a cup of coconut oil to my recipe. However, coconut oil at room temperature is not a liquid- it is a soft solid. To maneuver around this, I pulled out my magic bullet blender and blended the coconut oil with the conditioner, lotion and baby oil.

blended not stirred

Once this was all blended, I transferred it a bowl and added the shampoo and stirred by hand and then poured it into the same old pump conditioner bottle.

Mix it up

I have to say, in the year and a half or so that I have been using homemade shaving cream- I have been so happy with it. The addition of coconut oil to the recipe leaves my legs (and underarms) very slick. I rarely, if ever, put lotion on my legs during the warm months.

Homemade Shaving Cream- Revisited
  • 1 cup of conditioner
  • 1 cup of coconut oil
  • 5 Tbsp baby oil
  • 5 Tbsp of lotion
  • 1 cup of shampoo
  1. Combine the first 4 ingredients in a blender of choice
  2. Add the last ingredient and stir well
  3. Let sit for 30-hour before using
  4. Shake well before every use

Homemade Shaving Cream Revisited

Do you have a piece of your beauty/skin-care regime that you make on your own? Please share!

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