Brown Sugar and Coconut Oil Body Scrub

Last December I detailed my favorite things of 2013. One of those things was Clinique’s Sparkle Skin body exfoliator. I used it in the shower on my legs in conjunction with my homemade shaving cream. As it happens, I eventually ran out of the Sparkle Skin. My Mom bought me another exfoliator, this time a sugar scrub. It was no where near as awesome.

The new sugar scrub was made with coarse sugar and using it felt less like luxury and more like torture!  And then it dawned on me- sugar scrub, I can make one of those using less coarse sugar and coconut oil and it would be an all over win!

I took to the information super highway and found that the basic formula is a 1:2 ratio. One part coconut oil to two parts sugar. I also found that brown sugar would be a good sugar for me to make a body scrub- it is pretty soft and fairly fine and a far, far cry from coarse, raw sugar.

Because coconut oil is in a solid form at room temperature, I put it in the microwave for about 15 seconds to get  it into liquid form. I put the coconut oil and brown sugar plus about 3 tablespoons of baby oil ( for good measure), 2 tablespoons of vanilla and 2 tablespoons of cinnamon into my Magic Bullet and blended it together.

blendingAfter it was all said and done, I do not think blending it was necessary- but, it did not hurt. And the smell is so yummy! If you have never shaved your legs with an exfoliator and shaving cream, homemade or store bought- you need to try it because it makes your legs so slick! It is just an awesome feeling. Body Scrub

The above picture was taken right after I finished making it, once the coconut oil returns to solid it is not anywhere near as juicy as the above picture. I put the plastic container in the shower and use every time I shave my legs. The next batch, I am going to add pumpkin pie spice- after all, Fall is right around the corner!

Brown Sugar and Coconut Oil Body Scrub
  • 1 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/3- 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 2-3 tbsp baby oil, optional
  • 2-3 tbsp. vanilla
  • 2-3 tbsp. spice, cinnamon or pumpkin pie or nutmeg or etc
  1. Warm the coconut oil for 15 seconds in the microwave and then combine with all the other ingredients
  2. Massage into your skin.
  3. Rinse

Do you have any at-home spa regimes that you enjoy? As always, please share!


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