Memorial Day! Memorial Day! Summertime!

Happy Memorial Day Everybody! As a human, I am grateful that I live in the United States of America and I am fortunate that there are men and women who have chosen to risk, and for some, surrender their lives to safeguard my life, liberty and pursuit of freedom. Thank you to our military and also, thank you to our servicemen and women’s families. I appreciate your bravery, courage and willingness to not only protect the US but all the countries of the world. Thank you.

Memorial Day. It has meant different things to me as I have grown up but, it has always signaled the start of summertime just as Veteran’s Day signals the end of the summer. This year, unlike the recent past years, it has taken a little longer to get hot! Usually, down here it is HOT by Memorial Day- but, this has not been the case this year. It is just in the last couple weeks that it has really begun to feel like the start of summer. Dare I say, we actually had a Spring this year!?!! But, regardless of the temperature, with the arrival of Memorial Day, there is no doubt that summer is here!

To commemorate the official start of summer, I want to introduce a summer series of sorts. I was inspired by Courtney’s Top Ten List of Beauty Favorites– I want to do a series of top ten lists with this being the inaugural one centered on top ten activities to do during the summer. So, without any further ado, in no particular order, here is my

Top Ten List of Fun Things to Do During the Summer:

1. Cookout. I love a cookout! It is so much fun. As I have gotten older, I have come to realize, you can cook lots of different stuff on the grill. I am an old fan of hamburgers, hot dogs and slightly burnt BBQ chicken leg quarters all cooked on the grill. I am a new fan of oysters on the grill.

 Grilled Oysters

2. Get in the Sun! I did not fully appreciate how good the sun makes you feel until I moved to the beach. There is just something awesome about soaking up some Vitamin D! I would never recommend getting in the sun without getting all slathered up in sunscreen, but getting out in the sun is certainly something fun to do during the summertime whether at the beach, pool, lake, river or backyard!

Fun in the Sun

3. Take a break. No matter your profession or station in life, everybody deserves a break every now and then and when the temperatures are so hot, you need to take a break. For some (myself included at times) you need to give yourself a break. Even if for only a couple hours, you need to set all your stresses aside and do something you truly enjoy. All that that you worry about will be waiting when you return to reality but, for a little while, they will be fine on the back burner.

4. Read a Book. Although my days of required reading are long over- I still feel this sense of freedom when it comes to what I choose to read during the summer. I’m a sucker for a good period piece romance- do any of y’all have any good suggestions? I am in the market for a good one.

5. Take a Road Trip. Leigh and I have literally driven all over the US. But, I am not suggesting you get in your car and drive to Alaska and back, but I am suggesting you get in your car (or your friend’s), turn on some good music, turn it up a little louder than your normal and drive even if only across town. You will be given extra points if you also sing along with the music as if you are on stage.

6. Y’all. I looooooove watermelon. Bub just said last week, “oooooooo! We have come to that time of the year that you don’t come home from the grocery store without a watermelon!” I have to say, enjoying a watermelon or 20 during the summer is just intrinsically good for you soul. Just do it.

7. Go see some live music. As I explained about Bub and I taking Baby Bub to the opening night of  Hangout Fest, Bub and I are live music fans and summer concerts are fun. The whole experience from tailgating in the parking lot before the show to going to the show- it’s all fun. I really encourage you to seek out one of your favorite bands this summer.


8. Visit with your Family. The definition of family that Bub and I use is not confined by the one found in the dictionary. We consider lots of people family that are not biologically related to us and part of a good summer is getting to visit with our (extended) family. The return on this time spent has no evaluation, because it is so valuable it cannot be evaluated.

9. This one is akin to #2, get in the water. When I was a little girl, I had a Snoopy sprinkler and a slip n’ slide… I loved them both! They were so much fun! I have always been a water  baby. I love it and I cannot imagine a summer without water! I do not discriminate when it come to bodies of water either- I love them all the same and I cannot imagine summertime without them!

10. Look forward to Fall and Winter. I know this sounds like I’m wishing the time away, but I’m not. When in the midst of one season, I always look forward to the next. I don’t pine away but once a week or so, I spend about 5 minutes thinking about the next season… like now, Halloween- what is Baby Bub gonna be for Halloween? He’ll be year old- anybody have any suggestions? And Christmas- y’all are not gonna believe how many Christmas trees I put up- Bub says, we’re gonna have a live tree this year too… Plus, when it’s hotter than the hinges of hell, it’s always fun to think about when it will be cooler.

This concludes my first Top Ten List. There will be more to come as the summer unfolds! I hope everyone enjoys their Memorial Day.

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