Summertime and the Living is Easy!

Memorial Day has come and gone and the last days of school are falling like dominos! There is no denying that summertime is upon us! It is here! I live in a coastal town. And people flock here from now until school starts back in the fall.

Summertime has always signified hot weather, going swimming a lot and cranking the air conditioner way down. Living at the beach, summertime takes on new meanings. It is by far our busiest season. I compare summertime at the beach to Fall in college towns- busy. Just like Fall in college towns, Summertime at the beach has lots of great aspects and a few not so great aspects too.

The greatest thing about Summer is that all the outdoor activities associated with the beach get into full swing. I love going to the public beaches to people watch, I love watching the skim boarders, kite surfers and parasailers. I love talking to all the visitors. During the summer months, this town is bustling!

It is safe to say that the visitors during the summer months are meat and potatoes, financially, of what keeps this town afloat the rest of the year. So, the Summertime has also come to signify money making season to me too. I have said more than once we work hard and we play hard during the summer.


This summer Bub, Baby Bub and I will be taking a trip to Charleston for a wedding. So, we will be joining millions of people around the globe doing a family vacay this summer! (We’re pumped!) And, we are absolutely going to to take advantage of our hometown! Baby Bub is crazy about the beach!

What are your summer plans? Have you got any trips on the books? Are you planning on maxing out the most? Are you going to visit your crazy Aunt in upstate New York? What does Summertime mean to you?

All the Best, Coralie

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