Fun Things To Do: July 2016

July 2016

Forgive our absence the last couple weeks. Summertime is always busy, but this one in particular. We’re calling it our summer break. Frankly, we’re a little surprised we got this far into the summer before coming off the rails. But, we’re back with our latest installment of our list of Fun Things To Do. And, with everything going on in the world right now, couldn’t we all use some fun things to do?


Okay- Imagine this. Baby Bub and I cruising down the road listening to a local radio station when “Break on Through” by the Doors comes on and Baby Bub goes wild and starts SINGING ALONG WITH THE RADIO!!! I knew that the original Minions movie had a great soundtrack but never in my wildest dreams did I think he was actually paying attention much less memorizing the words to songs! So, I have been listening to the Minions soundtrack- a. lot. Baby Bub starts demanding I play it in the car as soon as we walk out the back door. It’s a good soundtrack though. (Aren’t all the Minion’s soundtracks produced by Pharell? I demand a video of Baby Bubs singing “Break on Through”. ~Leigh)

Leigh...I’m in a slump, y’all. I need some recs! Been listening to the FTTDWYW Summer 2016 playlist , my regular podcasts, and the radio but am feeling so uninspired musically right now. Though, my brother (who after interning in Nashville) literally has his finger on the pulse of music right now rightly recommended Margo Price’s album Midwest Farmer’s Daughter. It’s killer. July 2016


I got three things I’m watching slash just finished watching. The first, I just finished watching- a documentary on Tom Petty “Running Down a Dream.” And I have to say, if you are even 1% a Tom Petty fan (and honestly, how can you not be a Tom Petty fan?) you should check out this documentary. It is long- it took me 3 sittings to watch it in its entirety, but- it was so good. For the first time, ever- I saw Tom Petty as a sexy rock star. I know. And it reminded me of how much I love his music.

The second thing I have been watching is Chelsea Handler’s new show. Yep. Her new incarnation I like. I absolutely did not like “Chelsea Lately” at all. However, her new show on Netflix is really right up my alley. She addresses topics that are of interest to me with pertinent guests. At times her questions are slightly intrusive yet are still questions that I am interested in hearing answered. Give her two episodes before you make up your mind.

And finally, my third is “Last Ship.” Yep, another one picked by my Daddy. We binge watched it the last time he was in town. It’s slightly reminiscent of “The Stand” by Stephen King but addictive none-the-less. There’s a virus that kills off most of the earth’s population. However, there is a US Navy ship (with some sexy-ass seamen) and a very smart (and beautiful) scientist on board looking for a cure. And just to add a little spice to the plot there’s a Russian ship chasing them around trying to sink them. I mean, it’s awesome.


Obviously, go see Ghostbusters. ‘Nuff said.

If you have ever watched “The Bachelor/Bachelorette” series, you should also be watching “UnREAL”. Even if you have never watched any of the Bachelor franchise, you should be watching UnReal. This show makes me angry because it is so good; like an unattainable level of good writing (see also: The Americans and The Knick). Speaking of amazingly written television, check out “Casual” on Hulu. It is almost painfully dry, but in the best way possible. Some really heavy but extremely funny stuff– and bonus, it shoots in my neighborhood! We’re also watching, “The Great British Baking Show” on PBS and “American Ninja Warrior’ on NBC; both extremely palatable reality shows. As far as funny goes, we’re also watching the second seasons of “Difficult People” (Hulu) and “Another Period” (Comedy Central). And, as of this writing, the third season of “Bojack Horseman” premieres tomorrow. If you haven’t caught the first two seasons, you should.


I got a new book. “Carry On Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy Beautiful Life” by Glennon Doyle Melton. It really is a good book. I am almost half way through it- and this woman is just laying it all out there- and she’s a mess. I read a few swipes every night before I go to sleep. Her writing style is such that I feel like she is sitting next to me just chatting it up telling me her life story. I look forward each night to the next couple swipes. I will have to report back next month on my progress and where she takes me.


Like music, I am ALSO in a reading rut. I need good books, y’all! Help a sister out! I finally FINALLY finished my “Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft”. Finally. I gave it a 3 out of 5 stars– with points subtracted for misogyny and lack of monster resolution. Am currently reading “Ready Player One” and am finding it pretty indulgent on the authors part. THOUGH, I don’t know if this qualifies, but I am following someone on Instagram that I can recommend: tasteofstreep. Seriously. If you enjoy pictures of Meryl Streep juxtaposed beautiful into pictures of food, then this is right up your alley.


I’m living the dream.

And I am also fresh off a girls’ night away to Biloxi. We just wanted to get away, sit by a pool without having to chase children. It was totally fun and I completely recommend getting away with your frands. We’ve decided that next time we are just going to spend the night at the condo. We went to Biloxi but we did not gamble at all! So, we’re going to save the car trip and go to a pool closer to home.



I’ve been working. Which isn’t always the case. I’ve also been traveling and had lovely houseguests. So, like Coralie, I guess I too have been living the dream!


As always, all applicable products can be found in our store! What are you up to this summer? Do you have any killer recommendations for US? As always, let us know!

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