We have always been envious of those people that can stick with just 3 square meals a day. But, that’s not how we operate. We fall strongly in the ‘snackers’ category! Sometimes you just gotta have a little something to get you through to the next meal. There are millions of mindless snacks that pack a powerful caloric punch. This is why we do best when we keep some better choices in the pantry. Read on to see what we have brought back to the forefront as some better snack options.
Okay, I went searching through our catalog, the posts I have written in particular there really is not an abundant supply of healthy snack posts. I did find a couple posts that reminded me of some snacks that I had forgotten all about!!! The first of these posts is:
- Peanut Butter/Honey/Oatmeal Balls: Yes, these little suckers are delish! And a little addictive. Around the house I call them hippie balls or peanut butter balls. This recipe make near ’bout a shit-ton. Since I posted about them originally, I have learned that because I store the balls in the freezer, they really do not need to be much bigger than a marble… And after you roll a million marbles, you might thank me if you half the recipe.
The second post that I had forgotten about that happens to be slap full of oldies but goodies:
- 6 Clean and Healthy Snacks: This one has 6 great snack ideas. Apples sliced and sprinkled with cinnamon and cooked in the microwave and garnished with warm peanut butter is a show stopper! You forget it’s healthy. And the frozen peanut butter and banana sandwiches are super easy and very delightful as are the strawberries rolled in vanilla Greek yogurt and frozen. So yum. And cottage cheese… it is great and it can be sweet or savory. Cottage cheese and salsa… it will most certainly get you though.
While we are talking better snacks, let’s not forget about nuts. Pistachios, next to pecans, are my favorite nuts. I love them. And certain kinds off popcorn can be a better, filling snack. I lean on peanut butter heavily for snacks. I have a friend that loves turkey jerky. And you would be truly surprised at how far rice cakes have come- those Quaker Popped ones are pretty tasty!!
Having good snack options are key to being better. Nobody likes feeling deprived. Eating better shouldn’t make you sad. Here are my favorite healthier snack options that pack a wallop of flavor– starting with those from our back catalog!
Watermelon with Lime: adding the lime juice ups the complexity… though watermelon, as-is is also amazing. Hydrating AND hunger-busting? Sign me up!
- Baby Tomatoes: Baby tomatoes with a vinaigrette and basil? So zesty!
- Salsas: Coralie forgot her two awesome salsa recipes on her list! Though I’m totally gonna start putting it on cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is also one of my go-to snacks.
Prosciutto Chips: It’s the worlds schmanciest jerky!
- Nature Box: Snack subscription boxes take all the prep work out of having something good-for-you on hand. I’ve tried and recommended Naturebox. If you are sugar-sensitive here is a ketogenic/low-carb option, Keto Krate.
Here are my new go-to jams in the snack crunch.
Roltini/String Cheese: Have y’all seen these? There are confirmed sightings of them at Trader Joes and my local grocery store, so I’m assuming they are making their way across the world. They are Volpi brand Roltini Singles. Its a yummy mozzarella stick wrapped with either spicy salami or prosciutto. I mean, come on! Great for protein on the run.
- Nuts and Nut Butters: Like Coralie, I am all about nuts. (Insert joke of choice here.) But for real doe, I’m nuts for nuts. In particular, brazil nuts. I know, I know… brazil nuts are divisive. They are everyone’s least favorite nut in the mixed nut cocktail. But, hear me out… brazil nuts are loaded with selenium (which is an “essential trace mineral important for cognitive function, a healthy immune system, and fertility“)! Seriously, my doctor recommended I take four a day! And while on the subject, I would be remiss if I didn’t wax on about nut butters. Fresh ground, no-sugar-added nut butters make my world a better place. Whether you put it on an apple or celery stick, or eat it off a spoon lollipop style, nut butters are so satisfying.
- Cheese Chips: This is my new favorite thing. Crackers were always something I missed in previous attempts at weight-loss. Guess what? These are better than crackers. Imagine your favorite cheese straw or cheese cracker… now eliminate all the flour. These chips are the same taste, but with none of the carbs. They even have all the crunch of crackers. It is almost unbelievable. When not eaten as-is, I use these as a salad application platform (chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad, etc.). You can also modify this technique to make crunchy, low carb taco shells.
And if after all this, you still haven’t found something that piques your interest, here is ANOTHER great list of 27 more healthy snack choices!
So many yummy options that hit the balance between taste and nutrition spot on! What do you think? Are you firmly on team snacker? Can you say, “nut butter” without giggling first? What are your go-to snacks? As per yoush, let us know!
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