Little Projects Everywhere!

As I told you last week, I went home to Monroeville to help my mother with packing and to do some visiting. What I didn’t tell you was that I left Baby Bub with her for the weekend AAAANNNDDD Bub went to Tuscaloosa for a football game. What does this translate into? I had the house to myself for 2 days and yes, it was wonderful.

I did have to work and I did have a party to go to (don’t you love a party?) but in my down time I was able to tackle some little projects that were not overly difficult yet much easier to do with out my Bubs underfoot.

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I finished taking the wallpaper down. I had done the front hallway but not the stairway. I took down all the photo frames in the front hallway AND all the hooks and nails. While I was at it, I went ahead and started (frog) taping- I got the baseboards and doors taped. Our goal is to paint before Henry’s first birthday- we’ll see. Also, I cut our old memory foam from the queen-sized bed to fit the twin bed in Henry’s room. And while the getting was good, I brought the Halloween decorations down from the attic (more on those Wednesday.) I mean, I got down to business!

But, that is not all I did.

I got an entire carload of furniture when I went home including this cute little chest of drawers. I thought Bub and I might have to go to marital counseling when I rolled back in town with all this stuff. He has made it very clear that we cannot get any more stuff before we get rid of some of the stuff we got. Y’all remember the hoarding intervention my BFF had we me— well, Bub was right there with her the whole way- in that 110% supported her kind of way.  Buuuuuut, I just have a weakness for antique furniture and especially the stuff that has been in my family for decades.

So, where was I? Yes, projects. Already on my side of the bed as my night stand I have a cute little chest of drawers (that I love that my MoMo gave me) and I thought this one that my mother gave me would match great on Bub’s side and it does and he was actually excited to get it because of the drawer space. It’s just a cute little chest of drawers. But. There was this one little issue with this cute chest of drawers- the drawers didn’t slide in and out very well. So, I wanted to share this little tip with you in case you ever have this same problem.

When my grandmother died and I was cleaning her house, she had a whole bunch of pillar candles and honestly, I was just gonna throw them away- most of them were in sad shape or in a color that didn’t strike me as awesome. One of her dear friends said “Dahlin’ you are moving to the beach. A hurricane is going to come, you are going to loose power- you are going to need old candles. You better pack these up and take these with you.” So, I did. Thankfully, knock on wood, we haven’t had a storm bad enough to loose power- but, those candles have come in handy several times. This was one of those times.

And I am sorry, but I can’t get on with the story without telling this one last little story. When I sat down to start getting this post together- I was like, I am going to write about sticky drawers. Ok, did you hear that? Sticky drawers. Yeah, okay- not so much. Then I thought “Are your drawers stuck?” Ha! Not much better! I just got to laughing. I called Moma and she laughed. But, this is a little trick to help unstick your drawers.


DrawersIf you take the drawer out of the chest and rub the top and bottom of the sides with a candle, the wax will help the drawers slide in and out smoothly. I honestly tried to do a video of the before and after of a drawers but I haven’t conquered videos yet (that’s  on my to do list-videos.) This trick works. If you don’t have an old pillar candle, use a bar of soap- that works too. Either way, you won’t have to fight your drawers to get them open or closed (that’s in complete reference to chest of drawers).

I like feeling productive. I feel like I got a  bunch of little projects checked off my list. I feel good about my weekend. The cherry on the cake to my weekend was that in addition to all these projects getting completed, I got to take a 2 hour uninterrupted nap that I did not set an alarm to wake up or anything- it was awesome!

How was your weekend?

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