#WayBackWednesday: Fun in the Sun

Fun in the Sun


Looking back through our catalog of posts, themes start appearing. I am sure by now, Dear Reader, you know I love a plan and a list. I went ahead and mapped out my next few installments of #WayBackWednesday.  Since we are smack dab in the dog days of summer, I decided to kick off with a Way Back Wednesday grouping some summer posts of mine together.

So, the first 2 in this grouping go hand in hand- my Local’s Guides to Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, Alabama. With those posts I outlined my suggestions for where to eat and what to do when you are in my part of the world.

Local's Guide to Gulf Shores and Orange Beach , Alabama


What to do in Gulf Shores/ Orange Beach


front doorIn the early days of FTTDWYW, Bub and I went camping for his birthday- and we ended up staying longer than originally planned. When we got back, I wrote a post about camping on the beach. Here is the long and the short of it- you have to accept the sand- it’s gonna be everywhere…. but, baby powder can help get lots of it off you and if you’ll take pajama pants to sleep in- you’ll thank me. As far as sunburn remedies- first and foremost- WEAR SUNSCREEN. And then a hot shower, ibuprofen and good after sun lotion will together get you far.

And finally, in this fun in the sun #WayBackWednesday, we come to bushwhackers and the Hangout Fest. They kind of go hand-in-hand. Actually- no trip to the Gulf Coast is not complete without a bushwhacker. I mean, seriously- they are the bomb. And I have waxed and waned about the Hangout Fest— but, I will say this: Thursday night is my fav. And if you decided to come down here for Hangout Fest, it’s worth planning on being here for Thursday night. It’s fun.

So- I hope you enjoyed that quick jog down memory lane with these fun in the sun posts.

All the Best, Coralie


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