Hot-Gluing Your Hangers: A Double Pinterest Experiment!

hot glue hanger

If you are on Pinterest, then you’ve probably seen the pin about using shower/binder rings on a hanger to organize your scarves. As a big scarf wearer, I am always on the lookout for better ways to organize the collection.  As I already had a hanger and binder… Continue Reading

Most-Delicious Crunchy Coleslaw Salad with Tangy Dressing

Crunchy Coleslaw Salad Gone

One of my favorite cookbooks around (besides Coralie’s Mom’s Awesome Cookbook: Mary Made It, of course) is  “Something To Talk About: Simply Coastal Cooking” from The Darien Telephone Company in Darien, Georgia. The only thing better than the food in Darien is… Continue Reading

Mythbusting Speedy Nail Polish Drying Methods

Pam Nail Dry

I’ve seen the tip on Pinterest several times now about spraying wet, polished nails with Pam cooking spray. Along with this, I’ve also seen the tip about placing your nails in cold water to aid in the drying process. I… Continue Reading

Best, Easiest Feta Cheese Dip: Everything is Betta with Feta!*

Best/Easiest Feta Dip

*Assuming you like Feta cheese. I found a pin on Pinterest that was titled, “Feta Dip” with “Everyone begs for the recipe” in the descriptor section. Everyone has different tastes, and Feta (like cilantro) is polarizing. I, personally, really like… Continue Reading

Cleaning Makeup Brushes: Decoded

dirty brush water

I’ve seen the pin floating around Pinterest about “cleaning your make up brushes” a few times now. I just got back from a trip and I had a makeup bag full of brushes that needed cleaning. Because everything should be cleaned after going through… Continue Reading