A Guest Post! By: Carina– For Active Girls or Anyone Considering Ditching the ‘Poo

Guest Post Graphics

  Dear Readers, My sweet and clever friend Carina wrote this interesting essay about ditching the traditional shampoo/conditioner method of hair washing on a cool fitness blog she is running. I knew immediately after reading it that it was something I wanted to share… Continue Reading

Homemade Shaving Cream, Did my Carbon Footprint just get Smaller?

Okay, so there is a substantial hippie part of me that keeps my consumerist side of me in check… most of the time. I absolutely think that perhaps we, as a human race, are taking for granted our planet and… Continue Reading

How to Prevent Toiletry Explosions While Traveling!

Cling Wrap Traveling Cover

I travel (by plane) more than some, but not as much as others. I can’t count the number of times that the changes in altitude or general jostling of baggage handlers have made beauty products (shampoo, body gel, etc.) explode in my… Continue Reading

Mythbusting Speedy Nail Polish Drying Methods

Pam Nail Dry

I’ve seen the tip on Pinterest several times now about spraying wet, polished nails with Pam cooking spray. Along with this, I’ve also seen the tip about placing your nails in cold water to aid in the drying process. I… Continue Reading

Cleaning Makeup Brushes: Decoded

dirty brush water

I’ve seen the pin floating around Pinterest about “cleaning your make up brushes” a few times now. I just got back from a trip and I had a makeup bag full of brushes that needed cleaning. Because everything should be cleaned after going through… Continue Reading