And… We’re Out!

I try not to “phone-in” posts but yall are just going to have to forgive me this time… If you’ve ever moved you’ll completely understand how exhausted I am. The movers came and the movers went… it took three guys four hours to load up our apartment. And although having someone come and pick up your stuff is a luxury, we still had to pack it all. And, sure enough, as I suspected in Monday’s post, my carefully color-coded manifest was in effect for about 85% of the time and the last two hours was just blind, junk-shoveling.

But, we’re out… and staying in a swanky hotel downtown until our flight today (Wednesday morning). We just got back from having an exhausted dinner at our favorite restaurant… and now I am going to go pass out and dream of better posts… Plus, I’m doing this post from Josh’s Microsoft Surface so photo editing and post writing has become infinitely more tedious. So, until we land in LA and there are no more draconian hotel wireless rules, and in LA , I leave you with a bizarre (for me, at least) before and after pic of the experience!


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  1. Congrats on completing the first circle of moving Hell! And bon voyage :-),

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