Emergency Cards: What Is Your Emergency Protocol ?

When I meet with readers of the blog, I like to talk to them about what they like and what kind of articles they would like seeing. Today’s post suggestion came from my cousin Judy and addresses something that isn’t very fun but is so completely vital. We were discussing (around her beautiful and delicious New Years table) being medically transparent with our emergency contacts.  Emergencies never happen conveniently, and sometimes knowing the right information at the right time is crucial. I hope our readers always have perfect bills of health at all times, and that this never ever applies to you. But if something happened, and you were incapacitated, would your loved ones know what to do? Would they be able to let the paramedics/doctors know important information about you in a timely manner?

medicalertNegative prescription drug interactions are a real thing. By keeping pertinent medical data on you (wallet or purse) it allows you to be one step ahead of an emergency- both your own, or someone you love. If your conditions are serious, then you probably already own a medic alert bracelet. There are definitely some beautiful things happening in the medic alert tattoo business. But, if you have less severe conditions, keeping pertinent information easily available is just smart business.

During the New Years discussion, we were all asked if we knew our spouses/partners prescriptions. I was feeling pretty smug because I actually knew the things Josh was taking… but then when I thought about it, I didn’t know the dosages and had only a rough estimate of the frequencies. That is something I should know. That is something I would like for Josh to know about me, you know, just in case. Again, no one ever wants to think about it, but the last time you want to have to think about it is during an emergency.

Become more prepared. I recent mocked up a version of an Emergency Card that can be folded in half (creating two sides) and kept in your purse/wallet. Feel free to download.

Print it on heavy stock paper so you can write on the inside as well! Create your own card if you are feeling inspired. Gather your information, and type out your info. Laminate it. Do it 10-best-iphone-armbands-7655c5ab29however you want to do it, but just do it. I’m keeping one set in my wallet, one in my glove box, and one in my running arm band!

You can and also should keep this information stored in your phone contacts under “I.C.E.” which stands for “in case of emergency”. But what if your cell phone was out of batteries or someone’s phone was “locked”? Chances are (unless you are outside exercising) that you can generally be found within proximity of your wallet/purse.

Filling out your medical information (and that of those closest to you) and keeping it with you is only mildly inconvenient once. It will take you 15 minutes tops to complete, and that 15 minutes could save someone’s life someday. You aren’t adding an encyclopedia to your wallet, just a small piece of paper.  Having this information is not only important, but convenient. You’ll be breezing through paperwork at the doctors in no time!

What is your blood type? What is your Emergency Contact’s cell phone number? What is your address? Think about what YOUR card needs to say and then make it!

Here’s hoping you never need it.




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