And the Beat Goes On

Faithful Reader, my laptop (purchased in August) is on the fritz! It frustrates me to no end! I could toss it like a frisbee into the garbage! But, Bub won’t let me. We purchased the insurance. I’m glad we did. The warranty company sent us the box to send it to them but they insist we include the recovery CD & even though we have turned this house upside down- we can’t find it. So, we have to order a replacement recovery CD before we can send the laptop back for repairs.


So, there you have it. I feel like I have been thrown back into Neanderthal days without my laptop being fully functional. I am over a week late in updating you on the progress of my goals- I haven’t forgotten about being accountable.

And I have 2 really awesome Pinterest Experiments that I am excited to share- just not excited about having to use Bub’s laptop to do it. It’s old & likes to go blue screen without any warning. What’s that I hear from the peanut gallery? Something about needing cheese to go with my wine? Yeah, well- sure!

So, I was laid up in bed snuggled up with my iPad debating whether or not to use a Hall Pass for tomorrow when my new favorite show came on the TV: The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.


I am a tad too young to remember watching & comprehending The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson but, the clips I have seen from his shows are pretty funny- especially now that I get the jokes. I do remember watching Jay Leno. I watched Mr.Leno many nights & have always genuinely felt he was funny! But, Jimmy Fallon is historical! He has taken The Tonight Show to a whole new level! Bub & I rarely miss an episode.

So, I was watching Jimmy tonight when out walks Jack White & Neil Young. Jimmy was just about to wet himself he was so excited. Jack White had brought his late 1940s recording booth. Neil Young was going to record a song off his new album, A Letter Home. Two things- the albums is all covers & were all recorded in this booth. But, get this- you can go visit Jack White’s studio in Nashville & record a song in that booth too!


That is super cool!

So. Instead of using a Hall Pass, I decided to share all this. I will hopefully be back in the game (on Bub’s laptop) by the end of the week.

Until then-
All the Best,

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