No-Sew T-Shirt Infinity Scarf


2015 New Year celebration

Happy New Year! Can you believe that we have turned the page on 2014 and have opened the door on 2015?!?!! Each new year I have this same feeling- that the years go so fast. Are you wondering if I have a list of goals for the year? The the answer is absolutely! However, my list looks a little different this year- here is a sneak peak



I have a little something in mind for this year that involves some intentional de-cluttering, cleaning out and organizing. I am not quite ready to share about all that yet but I will be before too long. I will tell you this, Bub and I have decided to do a bedroom shuffle and there is some work that has to be done before that can happen. So, stay tuned on that.

But, today. I have rediscovered an old obsession of mine- Stumble Upon. Have you ever heard of it and or tried it? It is an app I have on my phone- at one point I had it on my desktop computer (that I no longer have). The gist of the app is that you answer some basic, broad stroke questions about your likes and interests and then the app helps you stumble around the internet to some really cool sites that you might not have found otherwise. So, I have been a stumbler for a while.

Anyway, I was stumbling the other day when I came to this t-shirt mod. (Leigh and I love a t-shirt mod) It was comparing a homemade scarf to a store bought one. And I thought it was cute but I did not really think much more about it because it seemingly required sewing which… I don’t do. So, I stumbled on. But then, it hit me! I could totally make that scarf! I would just have to use my trusty no-sew skills!

Once I realized that I did not necessarily need to be able to sew to make the scarf I got down to business. I found two shirts that I was ready to part with-


I cut the hem off both shirts and then cut two rings from each shirt and then I cut each ring in half.



And I then used my sewing adhesive tape to bind the strips of t-shirt just following the directions on the package- And then I made a circle with the strips. Iron it upMy one caveat is that I would have alternated the two colors but it still turned out great.

no sew scarf

I think it is pretty cute! And the one that I saw in the original stumble- it retailed for like $45! Wha?!?!! Free, yes. $45, no.

What have you got going on at the start of this year? Have you whipped up any modifications for old pieces of clothes? Please share.

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