A Guest Post by “Non-Judgmental Lawyer”: An Anonymous Advice Column


**Admin Note**

I (Leigh) know a lot of attorneys; both in my family and in my friend base. And there is, absolutely, a reason why attorneys get paid more for their time than the average bear. They KNOW stuff– stuff that most people don’t know and specifically avoid trying to learn. Whether the reason is good or bad, you will probably in your lifetime require the serious help of an attorney. And then there are sometimes when you just need to ask a question– where you just need an informed nudge in the right direction. Without the judging; just a thoughtful, honest answer. When do I need to get a will? Wait, is my landlord supposed to be doing that? Do I need a contract for this? Do I have to see an attorney for this weird unresolved situation I’ve got?

funny-lawyer-dog-red-lightWe wanted to do an experiment here on FTTDWYW. One of our anonymous doctors of Jurisprudence has graciously agreed to answer some questions for our readers. So, send us your legal or non-legal quandaries and we will choose three questions to pose to our anonymous legal council. They will then answer them to the best of their ability- and they’ll do it here on FTTDWYW. All questions will be anonymous (Frustrated in Florida, Confuzzled in Connecticut) though our attorney has suggested that including your sex, location, relationship status, and any pertinent information that you feel comfortable sharing will be helpful.

Who IS this N.J.L. (Non-Judgmental Lawyer)? Their identity shall remain a secret, for now… but they are experienced, extremely empathetic, brilliant, and big fans of this blog. So, you know they’ve got great taste! And they are most definitely not the adorable dog above.

Has this announcement been a Wednesday Guest Post? Not technically, but depending on the response, this column could become a thing, you know? So, it’s a FUTURE guest post! Look for the follow-up post next weekend! In the meantime, send us your questions! fttdwyw@gmail.com



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