Paisley Stamped Shower Curtain

As I mentioned before, our house has been a work in progress. We have removed wallpaper from 5 different rooms and in every room there were multiple layers of wallpaper. Seriously. There were 5 layers of wallpaper in the kitchen and 5 different layers of wallpaper in the dining room- no joke!

So, maybe you can understand why I wasn’t real excited to tackle our latest wallpaper removal project: the master bath. Plus, since I have lived with it the way it was for 2 years now, I did not just want any old thing in there. I wanted to love what went in there. The old wallpaper was something you might find in an old woman’s house… I just did not like it nor will I miss it- not even a little bit. This is the color I picked and there is the spot I painted to make sure I really liked it before we painted the whole room.


Although we have painted the bathroom and stained the cabinets, it still is not finished. We still want to replace the counter tops. I found some gorgeous granite that I love but it is REAL expensive. I feel like I have tried on that wedding dress that is 7 levels above your budget! So, I am not ready to do a complete reveal of my master bath. However, I do want to share the paisley stamped shower curtain that I crafted.

The pop of color that I want to use in there is a red coral. I looked for a shower curtain that I liked at all the big box stores to no avail. I took to Amazon and Etsy and I found several that I really liked- that once again were out of line with my budget (are we noticing a theme yet?) So then one afternoon it hit me, I could make one on the cheap that would do until I could justify a more expensive one.

I had found a foam paisley stamps at Hobby Lobby that I bought previously with the thought that the right project would come to me and give me the opportunity to use it. This shower curtain was the perfect project to use it. I bought an inexpensive plain white shower curtain from Wal-Mart. I already had a couple bottles of paint that I felt that I could mix to get the right color. So, all in all, I was in business!

Shower Curtain How To

First, I laid a drop cloth on the floor and then laid the plain white shower curtain on top of the drop cloth. Next I mixed my colors. No, I did not use fabric paint- I used enamels paint. It was a risk I was willing to take. You can find fabric paint at any craft store if you’d rather not live in the danger zone like I did. If you do mix your paints to get the color you want, make sure you mix enough to do your entire project because mixing the exact same color again is not likely. And finally, I got to stamping!

I used a sponge paint brush to paint the foam stamp. I could get 3 stamps before I had to reapply paint.


I knew before I started that I was probably going to like this- but, I knew after the very first stamp that I was really going to like it!

I did all this after Baby Bub went to bed. So, I let it dry over night and hung it in my bathroom this morning and I was in love!

DIY Stamped Shower Curtain

Yes, I love it. No, this will not be the last project I do with that foam stamp! I imagine curtains would be awesome too. I just love the way this shower curtain turned out! And I love the way it goes with the wall color.

So, here is a sneak peak of my bathroom. I will certainly do a post with the completed project (including what we have found is best for removing wallpaper) when all of it is finished.

Update 4/22/15: 2 years later, this shower curtain has held up beautifully! Although… the paint choice did not- you can find updates to the rest of the bathroom and my dressing room here, here, and here. And sadly, we have still yet to pull the trigger on new counter-tops- a girl can dream. 

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