Spray, Girl: Bitches Need Stitches!

I am a super-feminist. Women can do anything and everything they set their minds to– and don’t even try to stop them. We can run countries/businesses, create life, and go to space. Ladies have come so far– although a lot of… Continue Reading

Milky Ice Berries and an Interesting Nutritional Fact…

Imma gonna give you a great, easy dessert recipe… but first I want to give Coralie a birthday shout-out! Her b-day falls on Sunday this year and (since we don’t publish on Sunday) I wanted to get this out there before… Continue Reading

Hey, Monkey! Two… TWO Banana Lifehacks: Healthy Bananas Foster and a Peeling Trick!

"Fried" Honey Bananas I’m Chiquita Banana and I’m here to say… Bananas have to ripen in a certain way. When they are flecked with brown And have a golden hue Bananas are the best and are the best for you.… Continue Reading