T-Shirt Mod Time: The Rock Ballerina
Yesterday was a great day for me. I was feeling much better (thankyaforaskin’) and was able to catch up on a lot of stuff that was on my list. I got to talk to some of my favorite people today… Continue Reading
Yesterday was a great day for me. I was feeling much better (thankyaforaskin’) and was able to catch up on a lot of stuff that was on my list. I got to talk to some of my favorite people today… Continue Reading
You know when you don’t feel good you search out the warm and fuzzy? Hot cups of tea, curling up under blankets, even the warm and fuzzy feeling of Nyquil qualifies for this list. When you don’t feel good, you… Continue Reading
Time for another check-in. The past two weeks have seen a lot of interesting things go down. On one hand, I only went running three times in the past two weeks. On the other hand, according to my Up Band… Continue Reading
Sorry this post is appearing later in the day than our normal 5 a.m. publishing time, but (as I mentioned on Tuesday) I’ve been working! Not only have I been working, but I’ve been working 16-17 hour days on my… Continue Reading
And… so it begins. I got a gig, y’all; an honest-to-goodness Hollywood gig. I say, “gig” because it isn’t long term. In fact, it ends on Friday… but (if I play my cards right) it could/might lead to more. I… Continue Reading
Forgive me if you don’t enjoy funny things and this feature doesn’t interest you. You do know that you are on a site titled, “FUN Things To Do While You’re Waiting”, right?! Since it is Friday and we could all… Continue Reading
I always love to hear what other people are listening to, watching, or reading. I love it because it exposes me to new things and tells me a little bit about them and their habits. It is Fall, which means… Continue Reading
Do you know when the worst time to weigh yourself is? Sunday night after dinner. If I cared about what the scale said, I’d be very disappointed. But, I don’t… and I’ll tell you why: because of the pisiform bone… Continue Reading
[spotify track=”spotify:track:4MyFSB0Fmo9VcYPHNCNI3R”] I’ve had this blog post planned for a month now… ever since I did the math and figured out it was my job to post on Halloween. In years past, my contempt for Halloween costumes that were billed… Continue Reading
I am a super-feminist. Women can do anything and everything they set their minds to– and don’t even try to stop them. We can run countries/businesses, create life, and go to space. Ladies have come so far– although a lot of… Continue Reading
Imma gonna give you a great, easy dessert recipe… but first I want to give Coralie a birthday shout-out! Her b-day falls on Sunday this year and (since we don’t publish on Sunday) I wanted to get this out there before… Continue Reading
A lot of people love ’em, but I can’t do smoothies or protein shakes in lieu of meals. I like to eat my calories. The liquid options don’t satiate my hunger; they just pass right through me. I just find that… Continue Reading
I am a Southern lady… therefore, I will not reveal my weight. But, I will say that I have lost 3 pounds since the start of this experiment. I have worked out 10 of the past 14 days– averaging an… Continue Reading
[spotify track=”spotify:track:0Hsc0sIaxOxXBZbT3ms2oj”] Do you know of whom I am jealous? Those people who possess the magical ability to fall asleep easily– the people who can sleep on planes/buses, the people who can sleep sitting up, the people who can sleep… Continue Reading
Now that I am at the tail end of unpacking, I have discovered that I have a lot of items that were super appropriate in Chicago… but will not serve me well in Southern California… like snow boots, for example.… Continue Reading
I like to play what I call, “The Weather Game.” What is that you ask? If you have a smart phone, then it might be something you play, as well. When I wake up each morning, after checking my email,… Continue Reading
I am so excited about the response to the 88-day Challenge! I told y’all that I wasn’t going to post on the progress until NEXT Monday (the 21st) but I just had to acknowledge the energy and enthusiasm behind this… Continue Reading
As of today, there are 88 more days until January 1, 2014. Most people make New Years Resolutions but this year, I’m going to do something a little different. I’ve been so inspired by Coralie and her hard work getting… Continue Reading
"Fried" Honey Bananas I’m Chiquita Banana and I’m here to say… Bananas have to ripen in a certain way. When they are flecked with brown And have a golden hue Bananas are the best and are the best for you.… Continue Reading
Now that all of my crafting supplies have been unpacked, FINALLY, the crafting can resume! Rejoice! One of the projects I wanted to tackle first was to recover one of our living room lampshades. The lamp/shade was purchased at Target when we… Continue Reading