Pinterest- What a Wonderful Way to Spend… Hours upon Hours of Your Life!

I think it is very safe to say that both Leigh & I are big fans of Pinterest. I mean, we have an entire section of this blog devoted to projects and recipes inspired by what we have found on… Continue Reading

Paleo/Clean Chocolate Avocado Pudding: A Study

Josh and I are one day away from finishing an Advocare 24-Day Challenge. For the past 23 days we’ve been eating clean- having eliminated white sugar/flour/ from our dietary equation and attempting to eat as few “processed” foods, as possible- including no dairy. If… Continue Reading

Oatmeal Raisin “Cookies”

For the month of June, Josh and I are participating in an Advocare 24-Day Challenge. The challenge is a program that cleanses your system, detoxes you off processed sugars/flours/food, and jumpstarts lifestyle changes. I don’t want to bore you with specifics, but… Continue Reading

ICYMI: Three Important Reiterations

In a world of LOLs, BRBs, WTFs, and ROTFLMAO you may have come across the acronym “ICYMI.” For those not in the know (or for those who could care less about internet slang) ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed… Continue Reading

The Deal: Gluten

“Gluten-free.” It’s the phrase of the day and you are seeing it everywhere. But, what is it? Specifically? See the below Jimmy Kimmel man-on-the-street interview asking people to define gluten: As a lifetime dieter, I have seen the low-cal, low-carb, and… Continue Reading

Happy Blogaversary! FTTDWYW Turns One and Looks Back at the Flops!

Life is kind of made of flops, huh? Flops aren’t always negative, but they are always something from which you (hopefully) learn. It is kind of surreal to think that we have been blogging for a year! It has been… Continue Reading