
The word “hummingbird” takes me immediately to my grandmother’s kitchen in the summertime. I spent a lot of time with my Georgia grandparents growing up. And I love the memory I have of stirring the sugar and water together in a pot over the… Continue Reading

Re-Use That Thing: Scrubbing Doubles!

Turning Netted Produce bags into Dish Scrubbers.

My name is Leigh, and I have an addiction to “bad” t.v. I’m not talking about television that is poorly acted/written or produced. I’m talking about reality shows that document how crazy and amazing humans can be. My favorite examples being: Intervention, Hoarders,… Continue Reading

Family Traditions

[spotify track=”spotify:local:Hank+Williams%2c+Jr.:Hank+Williams%2c+Jr.%27s+Greatest+Hits%2c+Vol.+1:Family+Tradition:240″] I had such grand plans for the blog for this holiday season. I wanted to write many thoughtful posts about all the things that make the season special to me and mine. Fortunately (or unfortunately for the readers)… Continue Reading

A Guest Post! By: Carina– For Active Girls or Anyone Considering Ditching the ‘Poo

Guest Post Graphics

  Dear Readers, My sweet and clever friend Carina wrote this interesting essay about ditching the traditional shampoo/conditioner method of hair washing on a cool fitness blog she is running. I knew immediately after reading it that it was something I wanted to share… Continue Reading