6 Clean and Healthy Fruit Snacks

Hello World, my name is Coralie Scott and I am a snacker. I love snacks and I love snackin’! It’s important to know, though, that snacks can get you in trouble! I have found that it is in my and… Continue Reading

Pinterest Test Kitchen: Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Write this down in your book of No Joke: Cauliflower Crust Pizza is AWESOME!!! Cauliflower is my new favorite vegetable! As I mentioned in the cauliflower cheese-y bread post, I used to think cauliflower was broccoli’s nasty cousin. Now, I think cauliflower… Continue Reading

Paleo Prosciutto Chips

paleo prosciutto chips

First, let me kick off by saying that I am not on the Paleo diet. I do, however, try my very best to eat towards the higher-protein/lower-carb side of the spectrum. That being said, I always keep higher-protein snacks on deck for… Continue Reading