Re-Use That Thing: DIY Hanger Snack Clips- A Pinterest Experiment!

Summertime is here and summertime means swimsuit season. Last summer saw my two favorite swimsuits dissolve into a heap of old elastic and chlorine after several years of ownership. Since one cannot have just one swimsuit, it was determined that… Continue Reading

ICYMI: Three Important Reiterations

In a world of LOLs, BRBs, WTFs, and ROTFLMAO you may have come across the acronym “ICYMI.” For those not in the know (or for those who could care less about internet slang) ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed… Continue Reading

The Deal: Gluten

“Gluten-free.” It’s the phrase of the day and you are seeing it everywhere. But, what is it? Specifically? See the below Jimmy Kimmel man-on-the-street interview asking people to define gluten: As a lifetime dieter, I have seen the low-cal, low-carb, and… Continue Reading

The Bear Claw: A FTTDWYW Recommendation

[spotify track=”spotify:track:3OeX4IyrnpwkElW5iS8leo”] ACNESTIS –  (ak-NEES-tis) – noun: The part of the body where one cannot reach to scratch. From Greek aknestis (spine), from Ancient Greek knestis (spine, cheese-grater). Examine the above definition carefully. Isn’t the human language wonderful? There is a word that… Continue Reading

A Craft Room of One’s Own: A Dedicated Crafting Space

It has been a dream of mine for years to have my own dedicated crafting space. Up until this point, my crafting has been done on various available surfaces only to be stowed away haphazardly if company was coming over.… Continue Reading

Some Fun Fotos for Your Friday!

Time for another Fun Foto Friday round-up. Since last we chatted (about fun fotos), I’ve been doing a lot of driving/traveling; specifically east of Burbank. I’ve visited Vegas, Claremont, and Palm Springs… twice… so, this particular strip of road has become quickly familiar. Since it’s… Continue Reading

Re-Use That Thing/A Pinterest Experiment: Painted Animal Glass Jars

Gold Painted Animal Glass Jars

Since the beginning of my adventure down the Pinterest rabbit hole, I have seen pins of adorable, painted plastic-animals adorning the lids of glass jars. Once painted, you can use them for storing ALL OF THE THINGS! I have shared my… Continue Reading

Happy Blogaversary! FTTDWYW Turns One and Looks Back at the Flops!

Life is kind of made of flops, huh? Flops aren’t always negative, but they are always something from which you (hopefully) learn. It is kind of surreal to think that we have been blogging for a year! It has been… Continue Reading

Blogaversary Week: The Faves!

Can you hear that? What?! You don’t hear the trumpets?! You can’t see the confetti?! Well, let me tell you… it’s a veritable Carnivale over here at FTTDWYW. Cause, you know what? This week is our one-year blogaversary! Fun Things To Do… Continue Reading

The Lucky One: My Trip to Vegas

[spotify track=”spotify:track:0lTrunYU4xo46shJeK9Xjp”] If asked to describe Vegas in one word, I would first ask why someone was asking, but then (after thinking) would have to answer, “surreal.” Vegas is literally the antithesis of reality. An adult Disney World rising out of the middle of… Continue Reading