Monday Foto Funday: Holidaze Uh-Dish

Who's Left? Uh... Guess Who.

I don’t know about you guys, but I was ready for 2015 to be done-zo. I delight in the potential of a fresh year and am positively atwitter at the thought of what 2016 holds. Since I’m still mulling on… Continue Reading

Six (Actual) Helpful Holiday Hints

Using Old Christmas Cards to Decorate Presents Next Year

Aye yi yi. Everywhere I look lately (Pinterest, Facebook, my ladies mag subscriptions) there are a million listicles purporting essential holiday lifehacks. I’ve taken the clickbait and read many of these compilations (for you, dear reader– such sacrifice!) with an eye to… Continue Reading

Our Favorite Things: 2015

It might be safe to say that we look forward to this post the most of all every year! We both love to share our favorite things that have crossed our paths throughout the year. However, it feels like we… Continue Reading

A Fun Things the Blog Recommendation: Fed Up

Fed Up Movie Poster

I have been aware of the Katie Couric produced documentary Fed Up since it was making its marketing rounds upon release (2014?). I didn’t see it in the theaters, but I did make a note of it on my “Things to… Continue Reading

It’s Time to Do Better

Reagen Lozar Family

I’ve known today’s guest poster, the most-lovely Reagen Lowrey Lozar, for as long as I’ve known Coralie– as we all met at the same high school in the long-ago world of the late 1990’s. Among many other things, Reagen and I share an interest in… Continue Reading