A Pinterest Experiment: Removing Painted Labels from Plastic Containers

finished container

There is a pin floating around on Pinterest that shows a picture of a plastic yogurt container in the process of having it’s paint removed. The pin description states, “How to remove all writing off plastic containers to then use as storage… Continue Reading

DIY (Non-LETHAL) Roasted-Garlic Olive Oil

garlic before and after roasting

Does anyone NOT love garlic? Seriously. Anyone? Only once have I uttered the phrase, “mmm… there’s too much garlic in this…” There is a standing rule in my household that states: if a recipe calls for garlic (unless its raw),… Continue Reading

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap: The Ultimate Stain Fighter

stain fighting secret

Psst. Hey you. Yeah you. Over here. Be cool. You like clean clothes? Yeah, then I got whatchew need, right here. Wait. Do you work for Tide? Woolite? You gotta tell me if you do. Alright. I guess you’re cool. This is the… Continue Reading

My Favorite iPhone Fitness Apps! Or, How I Learned to Love Running

fitness apps

If you know me, you probably wouldn’t describe me as, “a runnin’ person.” Running was never fun for me and I hated it throughout school P.E. classes. My hatred of running followed me through college and beyond- despite the fact… Continue Reading

Cleaning Stove Burner Drip Pans/Grates! Or, How My Mom Totally Didn’t Try to Kill Me That One Time.

A poison label

So, this post is less cleaning your oven with ammonia and more a public service announcement about working with ammonia. But, yeah… it’s also about cleaning your oven. I know. Super glamorous… but one must have something to do in between… Continue Reading

How to Prevent Toiletry Explosions While Traveling!

Cling Wrap Traveling Cover

I travel (by plane) more than some, but not as much as others. I can’t count the number of times that the changes in altitude or general jostling of baggage handlers have made beauty products (shampoo, body gel, etc.) explode in my… Continue Reading

Mythbusting Speedy Nail Polish Drying Methods

Pam Nail Dry

I’ve seen the tip on Pinterest several times now about spraying wet, polished nails with Pam cooking spray. Along with this, I’ve also seen the tip about placing your nails in cold water to aid in the drying process. I… Continue Reading