88 Day Challenge: Two Weeks Down!
I am a Southern lady… therefore, I will not reveal my weight. But, I will say that I have lost 3 pounds since the start of this experiment. I have worked out 10 of the past 14 days– averaging an… Continue Reading
I am a Southern lady… therefore, I will not reveal my weight. But, I will say that I have lost 3 pounds since the start of this experiment. I have worked out 10 of the past 14 days– averaging an… Continue Reading
[spotify track=”spotify:track:0Hsc0sIaxOxXBZbT3ms2oj”] Do you know of whom I am jealous? Those people who possess the magical ability to fall asleep easily– the people who can sleep on planes/buses, the people who can sleep sitting up, the people who can sleep… Continue Reading
Now that I am at the tail end of unpacking, I have discovered that I have a lot of items that were super appropriate in Chicago… but will not serve me well in Southern California… like snow boots, for example.… Continue Reading
I like to play what I call, “The Weather Game.” What is that you ask? If you have a smart phone, then it might be something you play, as well. When I wake up each morning, after checking my email,… Continue Reading
We stuff our brains with tons of useless information and then we try to plug in some actual stuff that is good to know and we can’t remember it for the life of us! I mean, it would benefit me… Continue Reading
I am so excited about the response to the 88-day Challenge! I told y’all that I wasn’t going to post on the progress until NEXT Monday (the 21st) but I just had to acknowledge the energy and enthusiasm behind this… Continue Reading
As of today, there are 88 more days until January 1, 2014. Most people make New Years Resolutions but this year, I’m going to do something a little different. I’ve been so inspired by Coralie and her hard work getting… Continue Reading
Gentle Reader, the routine of this blog just marches on. Leigh and I have kinda got our groove going. I’ve explained before that she does MWF and I do TTh one week and the next we flip-flop. I do MWF… Continue Reading
"Fried" Honey Bananas I’m Chiquita Banana and I’m here to say… Bananas have to ripen in a certain way. When they are flecked with brown And have a golden hue Bananas are the best and are the best for you.… Continue Reading
Much like Leigh began yesterday, I cannot get down to business today without acknowledging the very endearing outpouring of love and support in regards to my post on Rider’s death. Bub and I continue to be so touched by all… Continue Reading
It’s with a heavy heart and a very sad soul that I have to share that Bub had to put his four-legged son down this morning. When I met Bub I just thought it was a sign that he had… Continue Reading
In todays age of social media, people can vent their opinions everywhere– whether you like it, or not. You can pan the book you read on Goodreads. You can complain about the inferior quality of the headphones you ordered from Amazon.… Continue Reading
Soap. Water. Elbow grease. These are all the things you need to do dishes, right? Not in my book! As I mentioned on Tuesday, I h-a-t-e hate doing dishes. But, do you know what I hate more? Dishes that are… Continue Reading
Ashley McGough is an old friend of mine (Coralie) from Auburn. He and his roommate and I worked together and looked after each other for most of the time I lived in Auburn. I was very excited when Ashley agreed to do… Continue Reading
I wish I could write genuine posts about how much I just love to work-out. But, alas, I cannot. I hate exercising. I would rather stand in the cold rain crying of depression than exercise. And you wanna hear about… Continue Reading
I’ve talked before about my complex relationship with doing dishes. It is one of those chores, like doing laundry, that is never ending; even if you clean all of them, there will still be more tomorrow. To lessen my “begrudge-ness,”… Continue Reading
OoooooOOOOOOOOoooooo. Friday the 13th! Whatever that means for you, I hope you aren’t afraid of more fun photos! This installment of photos is broken up into four sections: fun photos taken at the grocery store, ‘my neighborhood is awesome’ fun… Continue Reading
Bub said, Babe- did you see the house down the street with the pumpkins? I near about lost it! My friends have already started posting on their blogs and on their instagram their front door decorations (ahem, Laura and Courtney)… Continue Reading
Faithful Reader, sometimes I go through these creative bursts of blog post writing and then sometimes I really struggle to find a good topic to share and discuss with you. And then some days, I am just struck with… Continue Reading
Moving to another city is hard. Especially if it’s on the other side of the country. 99.9% of the time, I’m super glad to have moved to California. But, there is that 0.01% of the time when I get a little sad… Continue Reading