Pinterest- What a Wonderful Way to Spend… Hours upon Hours of Your Life!

I think it is very safe to say that both Leigh & I are big fans of Pinterest. I mean, we have an entire section of this blog devoted to projects and recipes inspired by what we have found on… Continue Reading

Summer PSA: A Flip-Flop Reminder… Again!

As I was walking to get coffee this morning, I noticed a subtle, yet growing pain in my heel. I, then, noted the super-cute (yet, super-cheap) flip-flops I was wearing. D’oh. If you may recall, I wrote a post last summer about the desultory… Continue Reading

Paleo/Clean Chocolate Avocado Pudding: A Study

Josh and I are one day away from finishing an Advocare 24-Day Challenge. For the past 23 days we’ve been eating clean- having eliminated white sugar/flour/ from our dietary equation and attempting to eat as few “processed” foods, as possible- including no dairy. If… Continue Reading

Oatmeal Raisin “Cookies”

For the month of June, Josh and I are participating in an Advocare 24-Day Challenge. The challenge is a program that cleanses your system, detoxes you off processed sugars/flours/food, and jumpstarts lifestyle changes. I don’t want to bore you with specifics, but… Continue Reading